Make safety a priority before, during and after a storm

At FPL, safety is a cornerstone of our commitment to customers and employees. FPL urges you to be prepared and be aware of potential electrical hazards at all times, especially before, during and after a severe weather event. Below are electricity-related tips to keep you and your family safe.

Plan ahead

  • Before storm season begins on June 1, have your trees properly trimmed to minimize their impact on your home and neighborhood. Only specially trained line-clearing professionals can trim trees and vegetation around power lines – never do it yourself. If you are not sure whether a tree is too close to a power line to trim it yourself, contact FPL. Make sure debris is cleared prior to a hurricane warning announcement, when trash pickup is suspended
  • If someone in your home is dependent on electric-powered, life-sustaining medical equipment, review your family emergency plan for backup power or make arrangements to relocate when a storm warning is issued.

Before the storm hits

  • Before lowering a TV antenna or satellite dish, make sure to turn off and unplug the TV, and avoid power lines
  • Turn off all swimming pool pumps and filters, and wrap them in waterproof materials.
  • Turn off and unplug any unnecessary electrical equipment
  • When working on a ladder, look up and note the location of power lines before you begin. Be sure that ladders or scaffolds are far enough away so that you – and the ends of the tools you're using – don't come within 10 feet of power lines
  • View a full list here of how to stay safe before the storm

After the storm

Find out how to stay safe after a storm and how we’re working to restore your power: