• FPL is proposing two new nuclear units at the existing Turkey Point site. These plants will utilize the "AP 1000" design and will produce an estimated 2,200 MW of electricity — enough to power approximately 750,000 homes in South Florida.
  • FPL’s 11,000-acre Turkey Point generation complex is located 25 miles south of Miami on Biscayne Bay, just east of the Homestead area. The plant includes three existing natural gas plants and two existing nuclear units. More than 5,000 acres at the site are currently dedicated to wildlife preservation.
  • The proposed new units have received strong state and local regulatory support. In 2008, the Florida Public Service Commission determined that there is a need for this project and we conduct annual nuclear cost-recovery reviews.
  • The proposed new units would provide more than $6 billion in benefits to the local economy over the next decade, as construction spending stimulates the local economy. This would provide more than $100 million in annual property tax revenues in support of Miami-Dade schools, public safety, and other local services, and would create 3,600 new jobs at the peak of the construction period and approximately 800 high-paying jobs once the plant is operational.

 Learn more about new nuclear projects.